Constructioning (designing) of press forms and stamps
The company «Santroplasts» takes orders for the production of plastic molds for customers. And also considers proposals for joint production of molds.
We offer the following options for cooperation:
- Casting of products from PP, HDPE, PA, PVC, ABS and poliamide, using customer's molds
- The possibility of manufacturing molds for customers, followed by production of goods by the company Santroplasts using this mold
- The possibility of joint production (or assembly) of products
So, you want to place an order for your product? Then check out the algorithm of actions for the introduction of new products:
Step 1
- A preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the manufacture of molds and place an order in «Santroplasts» company. Note: there must be a drawing or sample products.
- The overall layout of the form, the definition of shifting, the choice of material goods on the basis of the conditions of operation, appointment of the economic indicators. Preliminary assessment of the product's value.
Step 2
- Preliminary estimate of the volume of future production and procedures for financing the development and manufacture of molds. Financing arrangements may be the following:
- Way I:
Employer takes 50% -80% stake in the development and manufacture of molds. After the launch of products in the production of company «Santroplasts» returns received to develop and manufacture products for the customer means defense. Customer obtains exclusive discounts on this product. Molds are the property of company «Santroplasts»;
- Way II:
the customer fully funds the development and manufacture of molds, takes part in the phases of design, manufacture and acceptance molds. In this case, the mold is the property of the customer and sent to the company «Santroplasts» for the manufacture of products exclusively for the benefit of the customer.
Step 3
- The development of technical documentation in the form of press (working drawings).
Step 4
- Placing an order for production of the form (price depends on the complexity of form and is subject to negotiations with the company manufacturer)
- The test form
- Finishing the form
- Acceptance of the form
- Conclusion of the contract for the manufacture of products © 2017